Friday, June 12, 2009

Whats Your Brain On?

Ever think about all the crap the doctor's prescribe for anxiety or depression? They don't have a clue what they are doing to our brains.

There is a better way:
Take for instance Theanine. Ever heard of it? Probably not. It is an amino acid that is found in green tea and other food sources. This great amino acid is part of what makes up protien and its 100% safe with zero side effects, and you can purchase it at any health food store.

Here is the skinny:
Theanine promote Alpha Brain Waves. I'm sure you know a few people who are naturally layed back and relaxed. Well, those people have more dominant Alpha brain waves than someone who is nervous, jittery or anxious, like me. One day I was reading about it and decided to give it a try. Well, I was plesantly suprised with the results.

My proof:
I had been taking Theanine for about three days and felt calm and relaxed as I went about my business. All of the sudden I was pulled into an emotional arguement and I didn't respond my customary way, with emotion. This time was dramatically different, I was calm and collective. As I reflected on the event it occured to me -Wow, that was awsome. I have been trying to maintain my composure for years, but this time I did! Theanine is on my daily list of suppliments now. I take about 300mg a day. I have taken up to 700mg a day, but I felt a little too layed back. I just talked to someone the other day and she said that some people take up to 18oomg a day.

Want more Alpha Waves?
I bet you do!
Disclaimer:I am not a medical professional. In no way am I diagnosing or prescribing medical treatment. It is intended as general information, and is to be used as general non medical information.

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